I told myself I would do this blog once a week.
Today makes a week and a day !
I turned 50 Last Saturday . Sunday was Mothers Day, both days were great. I love my family and friends!
I am embracing 50. As one young man told me the other night. "Own it you are beautiful it's definitely only a number for you. " How sweet was that!!!!!! I know aging is inevitable maybe ,just maybe, I will be blessed to age with grace and dignity and have a little more wisdom as this aging journey continues, if not I can have fun trying and learning along the way.
My daughter surprised me with a surprise dinner party and later I went out for cocktails with my daughter in law and youngest daughter. These girls are beautiful .It was fun and amazing watching people's reaction when they walk into a room. We had a nice time and didn't stay out to late. Guys that went to school with my daughter bought me drinks and wished me a happy birthday. A few people I didn't know wanted to buy me drinks. People love to celebrate! I stopped at my limit. Did I mention I love my kids . I love young people! They make me laugh!!
I worked our town Old Timers Day booth Saturday and Sunday. You might wonder what Old Timers Day is ? Our city does a reenactment of the history of our town .People dress up in clothes that fit that time period . Main street is closed and is filled with vendors. Every kind of craft you could possibly imagine and lots of great food line the street. There are carnival rides as well. I love the smell of all the different food in the air. It is a wonderful time to meet people and to talk to them about CASA ( Court Appointed Special Advocates) and to recruit Volunteers.
I love watching the people that come to these events. So many different types of people. I feel sorry for the dogs that people dress up. Little tiny dogs wear sunglasses and tiny little hats.
I know those tiny dogs are miserable! Yes,they look cute but they are not happy .
I know those tiny dogs are miserable! Yes,they look cute but they are not happy .
This year two booths down from ours was a booth and in it everything was purple. I wanted to know what was up with all the purple so I went to meet the Purple people.
I felt a bit odd as I entered the booth. The two ladies in the booth were not friendly at all. Did I mention I was wearing a purple shirt , a Tye died shirt with the CASA Logo that says Peace,
Love and CASA. Maybe that offended them .
The girl I spoke with was dressed in all purple. She wore a long skirt and a head scarf like Muslim women wear . Both women had dreadlocks down to to their knees. Everything was purple ,everything they sold was purple .They also sold incense,jewelry and handbags . There was a section in the booth that had a photo of a man meditating in a garden . The garden was made up with plants in old tires . The Man in the photo is the Spiritual Master of the Purple People. I am not making this up!
When I ask the younger lady if she could tell me where she was from and what was the significance of the color purple she informed me that with all due respect I would have to speak to the ,I think she called her, the master spiritual teacher. I noticed neither women smiled all weekend ,not even when speaking with each other. I felt they were annoyed at me for asking anything at all.
I approached the older lady and she gave me her pamphlet about the Purple people. She
told me she was from Harrison Arkansas.That comment took me by surprise. Harrison Arkansas is pretty much like the movie Deliverance. There is a lot of racism up there and at one time KKK pretty much infiltrated that area. She told me they had a monastery there.A Spiritual Master there. He has been there since 1970's. It is a heavily wooded area. There are lots of Mountains so I suppose you could live there pretty secluded and not be noticed for many years.
The lady told me they followed the guidance of their Spiritual Master. He is the Enlightened one. She suggested I read the literature and look it up online for further information. I thanked her for her time looked at her wares she was selling and left the booth smelling like incense and smoke. I felt a sadness for these people.
Maybe I would have felt different if they were happy and sociable or eager to share how wonderful purple is but they were not. They were there to sell jewelry and items for profit for the Spiritual Master. I read the literature she gave me and looked it up online .
I am amazed that people will look and believe on anything even a color or the essence of nature and not realize what they seek is only a breath away and no man , spiritual leader,or color or power of nature , or object, can give them what their soul craves and that is to know their creator . To know God . To see God ,to feel God.
Maybe it is just me but I seek to know him closely to someday get his story . I have so many unanswered questions that only he can answer. I know I could never know in this life or understand the awesome power and knowledge and wisdom and love he has. I want to see him in all his glory. But I also want him to see my heart is for him.
Maybe if I didn't have a relationship with God I would do the same thing. Faith is so much a part of me and all I believe. For me it is simple. I can't see the air but I feel it, I breath it and I know with out it I cease to exist. That is how it is with God and me and faith.
I like the color purple.Actually it is my favorite color . The color purple signifies royalty. I wonder if God has a purple Robe. ??Purple will now have another meaning for me ;when I see purple I will think of these people nestled in the wilderness in Harrison Arkansas dressed in purple. I hope they will learn to smile and find joy and to see beauty in all God's creations not just Mother Earth. Meditation is great it can take you to levels of enlightenment that you do not know exist. With all due respect , seeing the heart of God in others through life experiences, the good and the bad and quietly listening for his voice is where I find my enlightenment......................................
Wow...Purple people...interesting :) Your so brave to talk to them! ha ha! I probably wouldn't have even gone in the booth!