Ok, so apparently I'm not a once a week blogger! I had every intention of writing each week.Here it is three months later... A lot has happened in three month but I will save that for another time......................
I have been doing some thinking lately and I think I have learned I think to much. I just wish I could put all my thoughts collectively into something productive that could change the way people think so that with a combined effort change could be achieved in this hard cold world we live in.
It's hard for me to watch the news and see children and people starving because of wars and greed and poverty and religion. I have been to some of those places and have seen first hand the despair and the oppressed. It's even harder to to learn about those deprived of their basic rights. They have no civil liberties or basic freedoms. No rights to speak their voice or to make a change for the better good of the people.
I witness pain in the lives of others brought on by those they love the most everyday . Most of those people will repeat the same kind of lives that were taught to them unless someone takes the time to say hey you are valued ,you are loved, you are unique, you are special, some one that will help those that society might call worthless or throw away in some cultures because of all the wrong choices they make or because of all the abuse to them at the hands of others. I can't explain it but my heart aches at times and it's a deep pain , because I feel their pain. Maybe that comes from my own hurts and wounds . Maybe empathy , and compassion is a big part of who I am .
I see the walls kids put up.I can understand why they do.Some take them down slowly and others may never take down the walls they have built.
I am constantly told by intelligent ,bright people that you can't change the world ,you can't reason with people that have a mindset that knows no other way. Some times I agree but not the way they want me to agree because if you have never been abandoned , abused , or neglected, never been hungry, had no shelter, had no family ,if you have never lived those things then what would your mindset be? What is that about ? Why can't people see that it is up to us to make the change? It is up to us to teach a better way ,a way of respect for all human beings . I think it is more than compassion or empathy . I think it is a matter of the heart.
One of my favorite scriptures is Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. So what is it you treasure? I believe every human being needs faith, hope and love.I believe these three things are what can change hearts and mindsets.
I treasure kids, kids that never got to be kids and kids thrown into life crisis by no fault of their own. I try to give them if nothing else a bit of my time , a listening ear , a helping hand, food and clothing. Tell them they are valued and most of all listen to them and their dreams and I try and give them hope for a better future . I may not be able to change the way people think but I can show a child love and he will one day show that love to another and that is how the world can start to change. For where your treasure is there your heart will also be.
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